
Did we get something wrong? Did we leave something out? Do you know a ton about something we’ve touched on? Did we miss an important point? Do you have questions? Do you just disagree? We probably want to talk to you.

Email us at, or send us a voice memo following the instructions below.

Submit a Voice Memo

We’re collecting short audio recordings of your opinions, reactions, and questions about Ellen G. White’s Conflict of the Ages series for the show.

If you have anything you’d like share with us, positive, negative, or neutral, follow the instructions below, and if your recording sounds like a good fit for a particular episode, you may hear yourself included!

Some suggestions of things to share:

  • A favorite quote and why it means something to you

  • A story about a first or significant interaction with these books

  • A question you’ve had about a particular passage

  • Something that makes you question or wonder

At the moment we are currently at work on an episode about The Desire of Ages, so we’d love it if you would be willing to submit something about that book in particular.

+ Instructions

  1. Create an audio recording (of any quality) using whatever recording device you have on hand. (If you’re an iPhone user, the easiest way to do this is to use the Voice Memos app.)

  2. Start off by sharing whether you are going to be talking about:

    • The whole series (COA)
    • Patriarchs and Prophets (PP)
    • Prophets and Kings (PK)
    • The Desire of Ages (DA)
    • Acts of the Apostles (AA)
    • The Great Controversy (GC)
  3. (Optional) Share your name (first name is enough) and where you’re from

  4. Share your opinion, reaction, or question (try to keep it around 30 seconds or less, and no more than a minute)

  5. If possible, name your file using the following naming convention:
    For example
    191221-PP-TedWilson or 200102-COA-Anonymous
    (If you don’t have an easy way to rename it, that’s not a problem—it just saves us a little bit of work on our end)

  6. Upload your recording using this Dropbox Submission link